This website is for qualified health professionals. Please ensure you have read the Website Terms of Use.

Providing Education for Physiotherapy in Cystic Fibrosis

PODCAST SERIES brings to the CF community real life insights and personal experiences from individuals with CF, healthcare professionals working in CF and other members of the CF community.

Physiotherapy for Chronic Respiratory Diseases Education Series 2025

This online live education series, supported by Mediplast Australia, is for healthcare professionals. It provides a platform for knowledge acquisition in topics to enhance your management of individuals with chronic suppurative lung disease. Information for the upcoming session is available on the link below

Physiotherapy for Chronic Respiratory Diseases Education Series 2025 for Healthcare Professionals


This online live education series is supported by Mediplast Australia and provides a platform for knowledge acquisition in topics to enhance your management of individuals with chronic suppurative lung disease. Information for the upcoming session is available on the link below

Please note some of the instructional videos on this website include health care professionals not wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). These videos were filmed prior to COVID-19, and a risk assessment completed to minimise any risk of cross infection. Please refer to your local hospital infection control policy to ensure you comply with all necessary PPE requirements when performing airway clearance and inhalation therapy with individuals with Cystic Fibrosis. 

Cystic Fibrosis Education aims to provide continued professional development for physiotherapists working in Cystic Fibrosis care. This resource is also designed for individuals with CF and their families, carers, and community. The education provided does not replace routine clinical care. This resource may empower individuals with CF to become involved and proactive in their healthcare journey.

Cystic Fibrosis Courses

These free Cystic Fibrosis courses are available to physiotherapists and health care professionals working with individuals with CF.

Collaborative Efforts and the course content has been sourced from healthcare professionals working in CF specialised centres in Australia & New Zealand.

Individuals with CF

This information is designed for individuals with CF, their family, partners, carers and the 

CFStrong is a website designed and built specifically for adults living with cystic fibrosis (CF) Our challenge is to meet the changing needs of our growing adult CF community. CFStrong will help meet part of that need and complement our growing suite of services and support available for adults with CF. Click here to visit recently teamed up with Beam Feel Good to deliver a four part education series for the CF community, clinicians, caregivers and individuals with CF. These sessions were extremely well attended with the conversations being robust, informative and thought provoking. CF Tasmania supported this collaboration through a Vertex Circle of Care grant.Topics included airway clearance, exercise and inhalation therapy.

Need Support?

If you’re having issues with accessing your course or have a general question, please contact us.

We want to hear from you

Please contact us and tell us what you want to learn more about. Is there a technique we haven’t included in the video demonstrations that you would like to see? Is there a technique or a concept you don’t quite understand and would like to know how to explain it to your patient? This site is designed for you, so we want to know what you want.

Begin your further education in Cystic Fibrosis today.


Website Terms of Use

All content and media on the CFPhysio website is created and published online for information purposes only. Before viewing the content on the this website you should read the website terms of use and privacy policy. The content in this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied upon as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, or concerns are raised from information on this website, please contact your treating doctor, qualified health professional or local clinic.