This website is for qualified health professionals. Please ensure you have read the Website Terms of Use.

About Inc are a group of specialist physiotherapists working in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) across Australia and New Zealand, committed to delivering the mission of Inc. Inc strives to deliver evidence-based education in CF Physiotherapist management to be accessible to all. Our mission is to educate and empower healthcare workers (involved in the care of individuals with CF) and all those impacted by CF, in physiotherapy. We are a not-for-profit incorporated association registered with ACNC and with DGR status. If you are interested in supporting our vision please email us on [email protected].

Meet our committee: 

Committee members:

Education and training sub-committee:

International consulting specialists:

The website is aimed at providing a resource as an adjunct to your usual professional development and support provided within your team, or your department, and if you are an individual with CF this website is aimed at being an additional resource to your health care team and your other support networks. Ask questions, use your voice and be involved in directing your journey in the health care system.

Learning Objectives:

A physiotherapist accessing and completing the learning modules in the website will be able to:

  • Describe the pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
  • Understand the principles of Multidisciplinary care in CF and the role of the physiotherapist in managing people with CF
  • Identify airway clearance devices suitable for use in CF
  • Demonstrate airway clearance techniques and be able to teach these to individuals with CF
  • Describe the basic principles of inhalation therapy and its importance in managing CF lung disease
  • Describe the relationship between inhalation therapy and airway clearance in CF, and identify various methods of delivery of inhaled medications
  • Describe basic methods of maintenance and cleaning of airway clearance and inhalation therapy devices
  • Describe common complications of Cystic Fibrosis that relate to physiotherapy (including pneumothorax, haemoptysis, urinary inmcontinence, CF related liver Disease, Pregnancy, CF related diabetes and CF related bone disease). Demonstrate a basic understanding of how these conditions impact on the physiotherapy management of people with CF, and precautions that may be required in managing patients with these conditions
  • Understand the basic principle of infection control in Cystic Fibrosis
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the common pathogens associated with CF lung disease
  • List the implications for physiotherapists when considering infection control practices in CF
  • Be able to define adherence and factors affecting adherence in CF, and Identify options and resources suitable for promoting and supporting adherence with physiotherapy treatments
  • Demonstrate an awareness of musculoskeletal complications and considerations in CF

Website Terms of Use

All content and media on the CFPhysio website is created and published online for information purposes only. Before viewing the content on the this website you should read the website terms of use and privacy policy. The content in this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied upon as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, or concerns are raised from information on this website, please contact your treating doctor, qualified health professional or local clinic.