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Inhalation therapy

Inhalation therapy

Stuart please include the link to inhalation therapy in the community site.

Cleaning and maintenance of airway clearance devices and nebulisers

Cleaning your airway clearance devices and nebulisers is very important. Good cleaning habits will help to stop bacteria growing in your devices and possibly entering your airways. Looking after your airway clearance devices and nebulisers is important to make sure they are working best for you. Each device has different cleaning recommendations, and it is important that the instructions for cleaning are followed. Instructions should be available with all products, check the manual for these instructions.

Airway clearance and nebuliser equipment should be stored away from areas that are more likely to create dust, mould or mildew build-up. Equipment should be replaced if faulty, broken or visibly damaged. Talk to your physiotherapist if your equipment is not working.

Please refer to the product manuals for instructions on the cleaning of your equipment.  However, general principles for equipment cleaning include:

Cleaning after you have used the equipment:

  • Take the device apart
  • Wash all the pieces in warm soapy water
  • Rinse with fresh water
  • Shake excess water from each piece of the device
  • Place pieces on a clean dry towel or dish rack and leave to air dry

Weekly sterilisation (be sure to check product descriptions and instructions).

There are several ways in which to sterilise the device. These include:

  • Boil all parts of device in rapidly boiling water for 10-15mins OR,
  • Use a baby bottle sterilising device (avoiding microwave devices especially if your device has metal parts to it).

Storage of devices

Store your devices in a clean, dry covered container. Regularly wash and dry this container

At least once a year your physiotherapist should review your equipment and your techniques for airway clearance and nebulisation. Ask for more regular reviews if you have questions or if you don’t think the equipment is working well for you.


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All content and media on the CFPhysio website is created and published online for information purposes only. Before viewing the content on the this website you should read the website terms of use and privacy policy. The content in this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied upon as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, or concerns are raised from information on this website, please contact your treating doctor, qualified health professional or local clinic.