Equipment Setup
Below are examples of various inhalation therapy equipment and instructions for setting up the equipment. Please note the Innospire Go is no longer available on the market for purchase however some individuals may still be using these devices.
Eflow Rapid
Pari LC Sprint/Sprint Star
If combining with PEP therapy, please ensure the mouthpiece is changed to one without a flap (expiratory port).
Setting on Air wall outlet: 6-8L/Min
LC Plus
Please note: the alignment rings must match up for the neb to fit well.
** Please note the LC Star has been discontinued but some may still be in use.
If combining with PEP therapy, please ensure the mouthpiece is changed to one without a flap (expiratory port).
Setting on Air wall outlet: 6-8L/Min
SideStream Nebuliser
Setting on Air wall outlet: 6-8L/Min
Aeroeclipse® Nebuliser
Setting on Air wall outlet: 6-8L/Min
Pari LC Sprint/Plus with Filter Set
How to Assemble to LC Plus / LC Plus
- Place a filter pad (2) in the exhalation filter upper part (1b).
- Insert exhalation filter lower part (1a) in the exhalation filter upper part with the snap locks in the holes provided.
- Close the exhalation filter by turning its lower part clockwise as far as it will go.
- Insert the Y-connection (3) in the exhalation filter and on the nebuliser (5a).
- Insert the mouthpiece without the expiratory valve (4).
Setting on Air wall outlet: 6-8L/Min
InnoSpire Go
E Chamber Nebuliser
Videos provided by Bird Healthcare (Trusted Healthcare Solutions | Bird Healthcare Australia)
Note: Inc encourages use of warm soapy water to wash nebuliser equipment after each use, please always follow product instructions and talk to your healthcare provider for recommendations.