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3 – 5 Years

3 – 5 Years

 Age-appropriate care

Children will be able to become more involved in their CF treatments, collecting nebuliser or airway clearance devices, decision making in play and activities to encourage physical activity.

Involving your child in their care:

Your child could be encouraged to:

  • Develop skills in good hand hygiene
  • Commence use of cough etiquette
  • Assist with setting up treatments depending on development of motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Website Terms of Use

All content and media on the CFPhysio website is created and published online for information purposes only. Before viewing the content on the this website you should read the website terms of use and privacy policy. The content in this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied upon as medical advice. If you have any concerns about your health, or concerns are raised from information on this website, please contact your treating doctor, qualified health professional or local clinic.